Shut Up

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The only way I have ever known how to shut up is to speak louder

I wake up screaming

short of breath at 4:40AM

I think “Jesus wept” 

And so do I

April with the teal ribbons and t-shirts and signs for Sexual Assault Awareness Month pepper the campus and all I can think

Is “yes, I am very aware that I was assaulted”

So as I continue to work through this healing let me speak loud

Because to shut up would be to repeat the past

To shut up would be to shut down

The only thing thing that needs to shut up is the guilt and the shame

So I will speak my freedom in its place

I will speak it loudly

If and when I wake up screaming again I will not be ashamed that I was trapped in a tiny space in my mind

That I froze

That I had no words

I am going to shut up the the lies that it was my fault

And replace it with the truth that I did not consent 

That I am not to blame

I am going to shut up the ever wandering thoughts of if it would have even happened at all if I had not gone out of the house that night

If I had never stepped foot into that theater

If Nicholas Cage never made the movie “Gone in 60 Seconds”

Would my life be different now?

I am going to shut up the guilty thoughts that 1+1= some insurmountable 2 and that what happened to me was a punishment for not giving a full account for where I was going that night or for unsuccessfully trying to sneak a cigarette before the movie began

I am going to shut up and shut down any inkling of an idea that what I was wearing was an invitation even though shame caused me to never wear that shirt ever again 

The freedom I speak must be louder than the the screams at 4:40AM

So I must practice my breathing outside of those panicked flashbacks so the breath in my lungs is strong and reaches the ears of those who also need to hear that it was not their fault either

I am speaking to you today in April because as much as I hate this month and I hate the reminders

I will not and cannot sit silent in shame and guilt 

I do not feel the need to bring awareness that sexual assault exists but that life after does

Life after where you realize it is not your fault

Life after where you don’t have to sit in silence

Life after where you talk to whomever (as many or as few folks) as you would like to

Life after where you to do not suffer in silence

Where you don’t shut up

Because to shut up would be to repeat the past

To shut up would be to shut down

And I was born to take up space

Someone with a face I cannot even remember tried to take that away from me

But that’s a power I cannot give away

I will not give away

The only way I have ever known how to shut up is to speak louder

And so I will

This is just a part of my story

And I will not




Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.




Rooted in Love