Rooted in Love

My life free of shame is a microcosm of what it once was

I don’t carry the same boulders on my back threatening to break me every step I take

The channels once stopped up by fear now run clear

Joy does not freely flow but when pressure is applied just right it is waiting

It has always been there waiting to shine through and claw its way up out of the pit of despair I buried it in

Under the self loathing and hate

The shame and often self inflicted pain I caused to distract from outward chaos I could not control

My life is a microcosm of what it once was

God has spoken

The universe has aligned in my favor and I am whole 

No longer people pleasing but living for God and self alone

No longer living in fear

But comfortable in my own skin 

I stand rooted in nothing but love to guide me

Love, a universal language that I am still learning to embrace as my mother tongue

It’s all I have left to stand on

It’s all I ever needed


Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.


Shut Up


Walking History