
I’ve got stories in me

Waiting to be told

I’ve got stories in me

I just need to be bold

I’ve got stories in me

Looking for some place 

That can hold them

I’ve got stories in me

Just waiting for the pages

And pages of truth to unfold

From the birth with the chord wrapped around my neck

Well, that is not yet my story to tell but it is part of my story

Or like that how I just knew I was going to learn to ride my bike

And I told my “look mom I prayed that I would learn to ride my bike and now I have to pray that I will not fall”, and sure enough I got on pedaled and did not fall off.

Now that is a story of faith and believing.  The faith of a mustard seed I had as a young child

But I’ve got other stories in me 

Stories of that faith being shattered by the lack of compassion and humanity when in crisis as a teenager the cops were called to help me but instead threatened to handcuff me.  

Mind you I was in need of physical and mental health medical attention, however to them I was just a manic teen they did not understand and the more words that came out of their mouths to me the more threatened and escalated I became.  Eventually things settled down and I was driven to the hospital (not by the cops) and stitched up.  

But then had to endure the nurses treating me poorly and speaking to me as if I was a“bad child” for “acting out” and causing my family trouble by having a crisis.

These are stories of fear and sadness and pain

But I’m full of so many stories

I’ve got so many stories in me

They fill me to the brim

I’ve got stories of faith and stories of fear

Stories on stories on stories to tell

Stories of battles won and battles still being fought

One year, one month, three weeks, three days and counting

Tick tick tick tick tick… one day at a time, one week, one month, one year… tick tick tick tick tick

My sobriety in and of itself is its own story with sub stories and plot twists


The pages in my book that are still being written


I write words with every breath I take

Now for STORY-time





You not know

Like the cover up of my teacher in grade school who was let’s just say, too touchy feely, but was given a slap on the wrist and a chance at redemption. 

Stories where children were not listened to and disregarded

Some stories have themes


Stories of innocence betrayed

Stories where boundaries were crossed and “No” meant yes

But the beauty in all these stories is the that they do not define me.

I can keep writing…

I can change the punctuation from a period to semicolon so the story keeps going

I can keep telling new stories as they emerge

And retelling old ones to help me heal

And to also bring remembrance of joy

Because oh how I’ve got stories in me

Waiting to be told

Oh how I’ve got stories in me

I just need to keep being bold

I’ve got stories in me 

Swirling in my head

I should tell myself a few sweet tales

Before I go to bed

And dream sweet dreams for the future

God has planned for me

The future still being written in my storybook of life


Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.


You are not a burden- pt 1


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