Sharing is Caring

Have you ever heard the phrase “sharing is caring”?

I know I’ve often used it in a snarky type of way to try and get someone to give me something like one of their cookies or special treats that they really did not want to share with me.  After this past week and change sharing posts leading up to World Suicide Prevention Day, what I have come to realize for myself is that sharing really is caring.  It is also healing.  That is why I plan to reinstitute #thoughtsontuesday.  There is something healing for me about sharing on a consistent basis.  From the responses both public and private I have received from many of you, sharing really is caring so I feel encouraged to keep doing it.  So, my thought this Tuesday is played out or not “sharing is caring”.


-Thoughts on Tuesday


Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.


Airing my dirty laundry


You are not a burden -pt 10