Keep Rocking that Testimony

March 1st is Self-Injury Awareness Day. In honor of my journey, here is a sequel so to speak of “Rock this Testimony”

Temptation is just that—

I will not succumb

I will overcome

I’m gonna keep rocking out with my scars out 

Til’ Christ comes and makes me whole 

Takes me home 

Til’ then I will worship Him



And soul

Sold out

I will rock out

And testify of His grace and mercy 

How He saved the wreck that was me

And made me new

Gave me a new mind

And a pure heart

To serve Him

And love others

Temptation is just that—

This body was made to be so much more than marred by scars

I was given arms to hold and hug with

To love with

To do Gods work with

I was given this voice to share Gods word with and not to plant seeds of self-loathing and hate and doubt

Or to curse with

Temptation is just that—

And I’m gonna keep rocking out with my scars out

I will not succumb

I will

I shall

I have 

By Gods grace



Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.


Set Apart