BIG Feelings

I feel BIG

Huge sadness

Large joys

I feel BIG

Raw emotions just roll

Up and down like a yo-yo on a string

No regard for me as a human being 

With work and deadlines and responsibilities

Tears just well up and flow out

A never ending stream

From smiles so big they hurt my cheeks 

To breath that’s hard to catch 

Anxiety- yeah I feel that big too

Usually in my chest

I feel big feelings for someone not so tall 

Maybe that’s why i often feel ready to tip and fall

There is just so much stored up inside of 5 foot 2 me

The tears give my feelings somewhere to be

When I try to control the state of my eyes

The feelings move to my chest for another try at escaping my 5 foot 2 frame

They have got to move far away from my brain

For my brain will distort, dwell, dig up and destruct any feelings up there that happen to get stuck

So I pop a pill and breathe with the triangle on the screen because it is not often appropriate for me to scream 

I feel BIG

Huge sadness

Large joys

A blessing or a curse

It’s my choice to choose how to live while feeling the feelings I feel SOOO BIG


Lover of words, unicorns, and all things purple.

When there isn’t a pen in her hand PoetSimone can be found in the kitchen or sipping tea.


Walking History


Time to Bloom